“mr. duan, miss Liu, just walk on this road and you will enter the black area of Lingyuan city.”</P>
“miss Liu, please wait for us here. there are too many people to take action. mr. duan and I will take two people to investigate the situation. If the timing is right, we will use the cannon as an order. could you please arrange for someone to e over? If we haven't e out for an hour, we will directly send someone to rush in and rescue mr. duan.”</P>
J.1警觉的侦查着附近的情况,靠近段修文轻声说道,“mr. duan, there are two people guarding the entrance, but there are many people in the dark. the specific number is not very clear, so it seems that we cannot break through forcefully.”</P>
明白J.1的意思后,段修文退后了一步,“that's up to you to arrange.”</P>
J.1刚刚走近门口,就被把守的人拿枪阻挡了去路,“who dares to trespass?”</P>
“hello, I am the person sent by mr. Viwin to deliver a message to the woman who has just been arrested.”J.1整个人都显得很淡定。</P>
门口看守的人放下枪,跟旁边的人耳语了几句之后回答道,“he just went in, and that woman is still unconscious. If there is anything we can say for you, then hurry up and leave.”</P>
J.1 不动声色的打量了一下四周,别墅附近的草丛中有轻微的动静,如果现在硬闯的话,支援的人没到他们几个人就会有危险。</P>
“Since she hasn't woken up, let mr. Viwin e over in person when she wakes up.”</P>
J.1刚想转身离开,几个人就被人群围住,Viwin从树林里走了出来,身后跟着被绑着的柳依伊,“I came over personally, I don't know what you're trying to say?”</P>